Tips and advice from our workers’ comp blog

What information do I need to get a workers’ comp quote?
We usually need only basic information to get you a workers’ comp quote, such as a business description and the amount of payroll for each type of job.
3 essential tips to keep workers’ compensation costs under control
You can’t control every factor that helps determine your workers’ compensation costs, but you do have sway over one big one: your losses. Follow these three tips to help you avoid some of the pitfalls that lead to big workers’ compensation claims and higher premiums.
Injured while violating company rules? What it means for workers’ comp
It’s important to have safety rules in place to avoid injuries at work. But what happens when an employee gets hurt while violating a company rule? Depending on the laws in your state, employees who are injured while breaking safety rules might not be able to collect workers’ compensation benefits.
Do I need workers’ compensation coverage to hire an intern?
I know I need to provide workers’ compensation coverage for my employees, but do interns need workers’ comp coverage too? Generally, paid interns are considered to be employees and are covered by the policy. If the intern is unpaid, it can be harder to determine.
Undocumented workers can be eligible for workers’ comp benefits
Are undocumented workers eligible for workers comp? It varies from state to state. In Minnesota, undocumented workers are covered by workers’ compensation policies. If you’re unsure of your state’s laws on the subject, check with your insurance carrier.
What happens when an employee is injured?
What happens after an employee is hurt at work? It’s important to report it to your workers’ compensation insurer right away. It helps the injured employee get the best care possible and receive any benefits that are due.